
Pivotal Analytics | Project Case Study

A national developer uses Pivotal’s BI to help a cardiology practice make strategic investment decisions on expanding its ASC network


  • A national developer that serves the healthcare industry was contracted to help a leading cardiology practice expand its footprint by investing in new ambulatory surgery care (ASC) sites. However, the group lacked the analytic tools to identify optimal clinic locations based on a quantitative assessment of the investment opportunity.
  • The developer turned to Pivotal’s BI platform to provide data-driven insights to guide the practice’s ASC network investment decisions.
  • The assessment identified six top-tier submarkets with a strong net need for cardiovascular care, favorable demographics, and limited ambulatory access to these services. The practice used these insights to approach its board of directors and potential investors with a compelling narrative for funding its ASC network build-out.

Download the study to discover how Pivotal generated data-driven insights that identified priority submarkets and sites for cardiac investment, as the first step in a regional expansion plan.

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Pivotal is a powerful business intelligence (BI) platform that empowers healthcare stakeholders via unified and visualized data, proprietary analytics, and truly actionable commercial insights to make smarter, faster healthcare investment decisions that maximize value and close gaps in patient care.

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